6 Houseplants That Thrive in Low Light

It is around this time of the year that I sometimes begin to develop a green-eyed monster for those who are fortunate to be in Florida. The days are getting shorter, the clouds are getting bigger and the sun has become so absent-minded. We are very near the chequered end zone for the exterior plants that are still hanging on, and, when it comes to the plants that can live indoors, well Guelph is not always the kindest place in the world.

However, if I know anything about Canadian plant lovers, it’s this: we’re a tenacious bunch. When real life gives life lemons, people cultivate lemoning trees in a life pace. When we’re bombarded with snow and ice we raise our evergreens. But when the remains alive gets limited to just a few hours of the day, we make the most out of high-memory houseplants. These six, low-light indoor plants are all essentials for the darkest corners of your house.

Peace Lily

The ability to enjoy plants in low light room is not out of the question if you can’t imagine yourself without indoor flowers. For this reason, the peace lilies can tolerate somewhere near to no light, indeed, it is often referred to as the ‘closet plant’. Of course, putting your peace lily in a ‘closet’ might not be an idea, but they do well in hallways or rooms, that may only have small windows. Their petals are very sharp and bright white, and their appearance gives a very calm and elegant outlook thereby can be used to make the area look as if it receives more light than it actually does.

But peace lilies are quite big, they are quite tall and they love to be the center of attraction. They are good on the mantel, served on the buffet table, as dinner table centerpieces, or even on the accent table in the hall.

ZZ Plant

Better yet, they gulp down water without releasing all the toxins you’d expect from an expert plant killer if you’re a certifiable black thumb, you’ll have met your match with the ZZ plant. There is one thing, this stunning plant loves even more and that is to be left the heck alone. ZZ plants have extraordinary, glossy laural-like and one would never imagine that they do not require any kind of complex care. As they seem, though, ZZs have very limited requirements for such things as light or water. In a room devoid of any window, your ZZ plant will do well without even getting more than a drop of water a month. Moreover, any more water or sunlight and the leaves angrily turn yellow – just say no to the nerve of those leaves!

You’d expect a plant like this to be just a little higher than a moss but ZZs are surprisingly usually large. They would also make perfect accents especially to bring some life into laundry rooms, stairwells, or even any less attractive corners in your living, dining, or powder rooms.

Snake Plant

Whether you’re familiar with snake plants by their binomial name or haven’t encountered them, by now, you must have come across these plants. These flamboyantly attractive and tall plants are so-called due to the undulating form of their erect leaves. Bath plants have in the recent past gained acceptance in shopping malls and waiting rooms due to their remarkable capacity to endure low-light conditions. They also are bigger and more dramatic houseplants with solid green or combination leaves.

Owing to their height and slender shape, the snake plant works well as a grouping near couches or accent chairs. Why not put one in your basement recreation area, dining area, entryway or living area?


Succulent Pothos One of the favourite houseplants that Guelph residents tend to prefer is a climbing vine with big, glossy, heart-shaped leaves. They come in several colors and patterns, from emerald green with white speckles on the skin to bright neon green chartreuse. They are very much admired for adding beauty to heights such as on the interiors of cabinets, mantels, and shelves. They grow at the trailing habit and have attractive leaves, which will make a beautiful touch when used to cover strenuous lines within the house. Pothos love low light but can also adapt to bright indirect light.

A pothos could happily thrive on top of a medicine cabinet in your bathroom, across the mantel, or even on a shelf in your bedroom, kitchen, or office, so long as no light bulbs are pressing down on it.

Chinese Evergreen

The beauty of a plant like the Chinese evergreen is enough to deceive one into assuming that such a plant would do poorly in a low-light environment. But these vibrant-looking plants are great to be placed in low-light conditions. Chinese evergreens are identified by their shock of strong affiliate foliage, which can be any color of green, red, burgundy, yellow, or pink. It is an excellent plant for desks, countertops,s and tables because they are smaller than other varieties.

They are great looking and should be displayed on credenzas, kitchen islands, dining tables, desks, and coffee tables. However you set the pot, the Chinese evergreen should not be exposed to cold wind.

Spider Plants

Amongst the most frequently used house plants in Guelph, Spider plants fall comfortably into the category of plants that are very hard to kill. It has long, slender, variegated foliage which makes it an ideal plant for hanging baskets. Most often, you can put a spider plant on a hook in a few minutes and then forget about it for weeks. Because they are designed for hanging baskets they are excellent choices for dark rooms with little floor and shelf space.

Honestly, any place where a spider plant can be hung from the ceiling is fine for it, mostly because they grow up. However, it can be for students’ dorm rooms, renters, or people who live and work together.

What all of these plants have in common is that they are all equally as beautiful as the full sun varieties. However, these low light-loving plants are easy to introduce into the interiors and can be kept literally for years on end. Still, cannabis enthusiasts do not stop Canadians—our houseplants should not either!

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